The global defense force

The Global Defense Force is Earth's largest military organization.

Forged in the spirit of cooperation and unity between the United State of America, Canada and Western Europe, the GDF is a combination of the world's most-highly trained international forces. In addition to being an international military alliance, the Global Defense Force invests in scientific research, space exploration and medical science for military and civilian applications.

They style themselves as global peacekeepers and police forces, prioritizing surveillance, intelligence gathering, information warfare and crowd control in their approach to handling armed conflict, though they will call in heavy ordnance if less decisive deterrence efforts fail. The GDF prefer positional combat and high mobility, engaging precise and efficient strikes when the use of force is absolutely necessary.

GDF character



As they encounter threats in battle, some GDF forces are tasked with Marking enemy troops and fortifications, enabling the SyComm system to passively collect detailed metrics on their tactics, force composition, and performance. This data is processed and quickly returned to the commander, empowering them to call in just the right response to emerging threats. Gathered intel can be used on the field to authorize use of limited or expensive countermeasures.



GDF utilize an advanced military intelligence computer system called Synthesized Command Operations, or SyComm, to collate tactical data, assess threat likelihood and potential outcomes, and thereby assist GDF officers in the remote command of their forces. Some equipment, such as the eponymous Comms Rig coordinate real-time with SyComm in order to enhance combat readiness and response times, allowing troops in the area to react much more quickly both in terms of aiming and firing on enemy targets, and when moving and orienting themselves.



Some GDF weapons systems make use of targeting computers that can lock onto the unique signatures of their Marking protocols to enable high-precision strikes from extended distances. Networked weapons have been designed from the ground up to coordinate with Marking technology, allowing for extreme range, high prejudice takedowns of Marked targets.


Support Powers

Units and buildings

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